who we are

About Lincoln Electric

Lincoln Electric is a rural electric cooperative in northwest Montana. As a cooperative, we’re different from many energy companies. We’re owned by those who use our service – our members. Providing reliable, affordable energy safely to our members is why residents created Lincoln Electric in 1948. Although many things have changed in how we do it, that mission remains our focus now and into the future.

Outages and Emergencies


always call 406-889-3301 to report an outage


to report an electrical emergency, dial 9-1-1

Our Mission Statement

To provide reliable energy, at reasonable rates, with exceptional member service and commitment to the communities we serve.

Our priority

To safely provide reliable, affordable energy to our members (that’s you!).

Our communities

Lincoln Electric is committed to our communities. That’s because our employees and trustees live here, too.

Our future

As a cooperative, we work hard to ensure we continue to plan for the future.

Need help? Have a question? Want to voice a concern? Reach out to us!


Call Anytime: (406)-889-3301