Ductless Heat Pumps

Rebate Information

At LEC, we are committed to providing our members with exceptional service and affordable electricity. We continually seek opportunities to help you lower your electric bill and enhance the comfort of your home.

If your home qualifies for our rebate program and you install a system from a contractor on our Certified Contractor List, you may be eligible for a rebate on a ductless heat pump system.

Who is Eligible?

This program is designed for members who have permanently installed zonal electric resistance heating (such as baseboard, ceiling cable, or wall heaters) or an electric forced air furnace. Eligible homes can be single-family, multiplex, or manufactured homes, whether existing or new construction.

Why Switch to a Ductless Heat Pump System?

By upgrading to a ductless heat pump system, you can enjoy both heating and cooling in your home while potentially saving 25% to 40% on your electric bill, depending on the characteristics of your home. See our Ductless Heat Pump FAQs.


Qualify for Your Rebate Now!

1. Complete the Homeowner Information Section

Fill out the homeowner information section on the attached Ductless Heat Pump Rebate Form. Be sure to sign the form twice as indicated.

2. Make a Copy and Submit for Verification

Make a copy of the signed form and submit it to LEC to verify your eligibility for the program. Keep the original signed form for your records.

3. Pre-Approval of the System

All systems must be pre-approved by LEC. Wait for confirmation that your application has been pre-approved before proceeding with the purchase.

4. Purchase a Qualifying Model

Once pre-approved, purchase a qualifying ductless heat pump model from a contractor on our Certified Contractor List.

5. Installation in Service Territory

Have your contractor install the system within our service territory.

6. Complete the Installation Form

After installation, have your contractor complete the remaining sections of the Ductless Heat Pump Installation Form and submit it to LEC.

7. Final Inspection and Approval

LEC may conduct an inspection of the completed installation to ensure compliance with program requirements.

8. Receive Your Rebate

Once final approval is granted, your rebate check, as specified on the participation form, will be mailed to you within four weeks.

Please Contact LEC with any questions regarding the Ductless Heat Pump program